Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Day and the Annual Christmas Picture Outing

For Thanksgiving, Nate's sister came from CA and Nate's parents came from AZ. We enjoyed four days together here in Denver. Highlights included actual Thanskgiving dinner with our friends Pat and Krissy and 18 people, putting up the Christmas tree and we celebrated Christmas. The highlight is ALWAYS Sundance opening presents:

Today (Sunday) we went up to the mountains for a few hours to help Pat and Krissy put together their Christmas picture which is supposed to be their dog Heidi pulling their baby Halina on a sled. However, we thought the blog world might be more interested in this picture with the entire family!

AND, while we were up there, we took a picture of our little family as well. We hope you like it.

OK, and FINALLY, we want to send some blog shout-outs to our great comment posters!! JANET! AARON!! and ALLISON!!! Thanks for all the great comments on our make and bake blog!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Will you shout out every time someone posts?